Traveloghalal | Siwah Oasis Salt Lake – Miracle of Desert, Egypt

What a surprise! All this long we always thought that the Dead Sea is the only miracle salt lake on the desert, but we managed to discover this Siwah Salt Lake from friends in Cairo that suggested we have to go to this area.

Siwah Oasis Salt Lake. Miracle of Desert

Little to know about Siwah, except for “the no. 1 best test of Dates in world”, nothing much we know about this little town. This 95 hectars lake is almost still virgin where the area is not too much getting attention from tourist or even commercial companies whether in cosmetic or resort investors.

Travel time to Siwah took about 12 hours and we made one stop at Matrouh, which will be write on next article, insyaaAllah!
Thanks to our new brother and friend especially Yusof (local guider and translator) for jumping to the lake to get our souvernier 2 kgs of raw salt in bulk stone. Although we had some argument with the airport immigation’s officers that seems they also not having information that there were salt lake in Siwah!

Siwah Oasis, the untouched area of Egypt where urbanisation is less influenced by any kind of unfriendly entertainment or lifestyle. Below is the town centre of Siwah.

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